Friday, October 3, 2008


O.K. I will get back to the 2008 history, but I've had a wonderful birthday, and compared to some in the past it has been superfragilisticexpialidocious.

First, my Hill Country friend sent me a musical birthday card which arrived yesterday. It shouts out "Girls Just Want to Have Fun." Yeah! Then Goo called last night, and we gabbed as only we can for a good while, and she wished me birthday felicitations. That's always fun.

This evening I went to my weekly Bible study group, and it was so on target with current national events. It was a terrific discussion. For everybody who doesn't know about our group, it is not one in which anybody says "this is what this passage means." Each person says, if he/she wishes, "this is what (based on my life experience/lessons) is what it means to me." It is a very free wheeling and eye-opening experience. On the other hand, don't let me indicate that there is a winner. That's not our goal, but we do support each other in seeing things through a different lens. It was great fun and as comforting as this economic climate can be. (Isaiah 5:1-7, check it out.) BUT, here's the big surprise. The person responsible for refreshments this evening noted in the church mailing that today was my birthday and brought---are you ready?---a chocolate chip cheesecake, HOMEMADE! WITH CANDLES! (Fortunately, not one for each year.) Are you salivating? You should be. It was fantastic.

I came home and prepared my weekly hamburger (best one in town) when the cell phone rang. There was my son-in-law calling on behalf of my daughter who was in bed with the flu (I don't think I mentioned that I got a flu shot and pneumonia shot today) to wish me a happy birthday. Then I spoke with my movie producer/director granddaughter, and the twin grandchildren who have succeeded in making two major moves in the past year, and they sounded so good.

As the hamburger sat cooling on the counter the house phone rang, and it was Chillax calling to wish me a happy birthday. Of course, I had to relate all the news from Illinois, and news of the cheesecake. (He threatened to show up at the front door with his dogs to devour the part I brought home.)

Well, now I would eat my cool hamburger. WRONG! The cell phone, which was being charged by that time, rang again, and surprise of surprises, it was my first born grandchild. I haven't had direct contact with him since his family came here for Christmas two and a half years ago. It was such fun to talk with him, hear his plans, and a little of his experiences since dropping from college and getting a real dose of life. It certainly gave me confidence for him and his future.

After hanging up I looked at my hamburger and wondered whether or not I really wanted it. It looked like a not quite totally wilted bouquet. But I still needed to eat, and I attacked it. Not quite what I anticipated, but by then it didn't matter. I was so full of good feelings, and that is what a Happy Birthday is all about.