Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The surgery went well, but I thought that it was totally different from last time. The clarity of light and colors during surgery was different; and I felt things I didn't feel the first time. However, when I asked my doctor about these differences today she said the procedure was the same and that about 40% of their patients report the same difference in perceptions, so apparently many of us have eyes that are different. Who knew? We thought we had a matched pair---like shoes or socks. But some of us don't.

One small drawback: a tiny blood vessel in my eye got in the way during surgery. Consequently, I have a large circle of blood around my eye which makes me look as if I have been in a car wreck or fist fight. It will dissolve eventually, but I just look at people and tell them, "Believe it or not, I won." It doesn't hurt, just looks really pitiful. There are still a few weeks of medicinal follow-up with drops, drops, drops---some as many as four times per day.

HOWEVER, last night and today I was/am watching TV with no glasses and was able to drive to my doctor's office without them as well, just the big shades. Still need the glasses for reading. Actually, this evening I discovered that if I do the arm extension I can read without glasses as well. So, I'm really excited. I will probably need to get "readers" though. I could read the 20/20 line with the more recent operative eye today and could read 2 of 5 letters on the 20/25 line with the previously operated eye---the one which regressed and became very blurred due to the loose epithelium. My doctor said I do not have a loose epithelium on this second eye. YEA!

So, that's the news for now, and let's all hope that everything continues on course this time. No pictures this time; I don't think you want a picture of me just now.

Have a terrific Thanksgiving; be thankful; I know what I'll be thankful for. (I know; ended that with a preposition; bad me.)

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Our orchid society is hosting a national show in late April, 2011. Note that I voted against doing this, but being the stalwart democratic person that I am I have done what I could to support the society's decision. Consequently, I am on the show committee and in charge of clerks for ribbon judging and AOS judging for the show. I know that means nothing to most of you, but it's a big enough chunk of work for one person. Also I have done what I, in conscience, could do to raise money to cover our costs. Let me explain that. We were asked to take orders for candles at outrageous prices for what the buyer would get and to do the same for cookie dough---the same thing elementary school kids are sent out to do. Nope, couldn't bring myself to do that.

However, we finagled a booth at Les Boutiques de Noel, a high end shopping extravaganza, this year held at the Bossier City Civic Center where people have to pay to get into shop, to sell live plant arrangements. I launched into that whole heartedly, and by the time we were ready to do it I had collected 36 containers/baskets and lots of decorative items to decorate them including ribbons and bows---probably $150 worth, all from estate and garage sales. Of course, others had collected as well; some people spent $10 each on their containers; I had a $3 limit on what I purchased. But my point is that everybody contributed a lot. We bought the plants as none of us would have had enough plants in bloom to do this.

On this past Tues. we began putting them together. Approximately four of us had experience in doing this and were good and fast; the remainder of us (that includes me) were novices. But we had a lot of fun putting them together and learning. My pictures are not very good as I really didn't have time to set them up. But here's a sample.

(Remember you click on the pictures to enlarge.)
Oh, yeah, this container was one I got for $1 at an estate sale; originally a holder for a votive candle. I didn't do the arrangement.

Sorry the red bow is behind this because it doesn't show as well.
This container is another I purchased for $1 and is actually a cup; isn't it a great arrangement? I didn't do that one either.

On that Tues. we put together 49 arrangements. We should have stopped there; however we had high hopes and met again the next day to put together more (?). The preview party was on Wed. night, and the actual sale was Thurs., Fri., and Sat. I worked 1 - 6 on Thurs., on Fri. I had to take the cash box to the person opening on Fri., then came back later with material to pack around sold items to stabilize the containers in boxes. Sat. was orchid judging day and the other volunteer who usually works with me for that agreed to do the sales, and I would handle judging responsibilities alone. We were worlds apart, but really in distance it was probably only about 2-3 miles.

Our table on the first day of the sale.

Don't know the outcome of our efforts yet, but I know we were getting only about half the sales we expected. Definite downer! But if anybody is really curious I will let you know. I will say that some of us acquired new skills, even the two men in our society who showed up to help. (We have more men, but only two ventured into this activity. They had a great time and learned how to "glam" up an arrangement.)

So, what's next? Operation on the left eye will be this Monday morning. I am to report at the surgery center at seven a.m. (ouch), but Jaz has graciously accepted the responsibility of getting me there and back once again. The doctor says she will do something a little different this time and, God willing, the sight improvement will be much more immediate without change. The first time it was great 24 hrs. post surgery then went downhill. Who knew about my loose epithelial? BTW the left eye bag is different from the right eye bag. I know you are tracking that information. Here's the left eye bag:

Don't ask me about the cheesy shades in this one; I'm taking my big boxy shades from the first go round. Keep your fingers crossed and say your prayers for me, please. The right eye is still improving, but I don't think it's as good as it will be yet. I just really want everything to be done before the Tea Partyers/ Republicans rip Medicare into oblivion.

So this week is done, and it's on to a new one. Surgery, big holiday, family coming, ---Wow! So much to look forward to! Best wishes to all of you!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Many years ago Goo declared "The Miracle of the Wood," credited to me. Here's what happened. The whole family was gathering for Christmas dinner, and my small dining table would not accommodate everybody. So I purchased a sheet of plywood (4 ft. x 8 ft.) and had it cut in half. We placed it on the small table, and voilA everybody could be seated. She made a great tablecloth. It worked out just fine.

A couple of years went by before we were all gathered again, and the plywood which had been in storage had warped somewhat. Being the miserly person that I am I was not about to buy another sheet of plywood. So . . . a few weeks before the gathering I put a plastic sheet on my nice but small table, placed the old plywood on it, sprinkled it liberally with water and placed cinder blocks (I love them) on top for weight. By the time we were ready to set the table everything had leveled out, and we were good to dine again. That was "The Miracle of the Wood."

There was another miracle Goo credited me with, but I can't remember what it was. I hope she can and will refresh my memory. I just take miracles for granted I guess.

But here's the latest. About a month ago I noted a wasps' nest in the corner of my carport. It was a little scary as I really didn't want to be stung by a wasp or wasps. A couple of days later I discovered that the wasps not only had the corner nest, but had a colony on the outside two sides of the corner with a multitude of wasps. There might have been 75 - 100 wasps in all. That was very scary. You can check with Jaz and Oyster who both witnessed this conglomeration.

I have a can of EcoSmart wasp and hornet killer spray which has a really long spray length. I had to use it on the front porch a couple of months ago, but that was fairly simple as I could spray and immediately duck back inside the house. In the carport I would have to spray and move 20-30 ft. to get back inside. Wasps do not take kindly to this kind of attack and keep flying around angrily for a day or two (literally) if they aren't among the casualties. Factor into this procedure my recent eye surgery, and I wasn't eager to attack and run for cover.

However, when I took Mack out for a few minutes this evening before the storm came I looked up at the wasp havens. They come home to roost at night. Guess what!!! They were all gone!!! I think this may qualify as "The Miracle of the Wasps."

Now if Goo can come up with the missing second miracle maybe I'm on my way to canonization. Does one absolutely have to be a Catholic to become an official saint?