Monday, November 12, 2007

It's A Puzzlement!

In about six weeks our family will gather to celebrate a marriage and the incorporation of new members to our family. However, over the past year the whole clan has adopted new names in Blogville. How should we address one another? Emily Post died before she could cover this social situation. Yes, Goo, I know you've got the book, but it's not in step with NOW.

Help, someone, please!


Goo said...

Puh-leez! Emily P. always has the goods when it comes to forms of address. Are you asking about written forms or spoken forms, thrid person or second person, formal or informal? The Postmistress knows them all.

Nate said...

I believe that blog names can only be spoken around those in the know. Much like secret handshakes of other secret societies, to reveal them to the unsuspecting public would violate the blog world.

Nate said...

But LIT, of course that means that when you and I are whispering sweet nothings to each other, blog names are completely appropriate.

jaz said...

Let's not dwell too much on Ms. Post right now. Some of us still haven't gotten the invitations sent!

Goo said...

Jaz, I got my tickets in the mail this week so there better be a good reason for me to travel to the middle of snowland in December. :)

heather said...

do the new members blog? do they have nicknames already? do you and yours use your blogville names in otherland? just how close ~is~ gb to having his name on a restraining order?

jaz said...

Goo--rumor arrived yesterday that the building won't be ready. I am phoning the priest on Monday to find out about that. And I am praying mightily that it isn't true.

LIT said...

Jaz---Let me know hastily of any change in plans as I have a "ticket to ride" as well.

Heather---Bewildering, isn't it? Jaz married Chillax, elder brother of Dagromm, this past August in civil ceremony but wants to return to home community for church ceremony. (Plug introduced them three yrs. before that.) She (Jaz) refers to him as Chill; guess you can do that if you're the wife---a term of endearment so to speak. No, we don't use those names when talking to each other, but it's been a couple of years since we've seen some members of the family, and our communication has improved since everyone has started blogging. (That has its up side, but it's a little sad too.) Oh, yeah, Chill & Jaz don't blog so far as I know; they just kibbitz.

About GB---Don't call the police just yet, but I'm trusting you have 911 on your speed dial.

The truth is we met as we both awaited the birth of Dagromm's first born; that was just over 12 yrs. ago. We may have met again when they graduated from college. Recently he and Mrs. GB met Goo for dinner in the metroplex where they are all working now. I've not met Mrs. GB, but from what Goo says she's better than all right. So, I think we can relax. GB has a dependable handler.

Has this helped or muddled your understanding of this collection of people we call family?

I think I'll go to bed now. Writing in code is very tiring.

Goo said...

And now we all understand why Lit didn't make it in the espionage game.

heather said...

nothing difficult about that, jaz is dags sis-in-law and chill is the brother lucky enough to snag her.

if mrs gb got the nod from goo that must mean she travels with tranqs for gb in case of emergency. good thing. i'm betting she's also installed a tracking device without his knowledge. ;-)

(although i think gb is slacking, im pretty sure that q has perfected his method so it only takes one meeting before a restraining order is required.)

jaz said...

Goo--Hope you have refundable or date-changeable tickets. The Blessing of the Marriage is now August 9.

The Chapel was notified Friday evening by a very contrite contractor that there is a delay in the limestone shipment and the building will not be ready. As the limestone covers the interior walls as well as the exterior, anyone in the building would need to wear hard hats. I just don't think that is the look I am striving to achieve--and I had not budgeted the added expense of providing hard hats for all the guests, either. So, we are going for our first anniversary and pray the blessing is retroactive.

Goo said...

Blessings all around and I'll see what I can swing for August.

LIT said...

Jaz---The idea of black ball fringe to trim a hard hat is really intriguing. It might just have completed my "look" with the New Orleans purse. Oh, well . . . .

Heather---You may have stumbled on something there. Maybe that diamond stud in GB's ear lobe is actually . . . . Ooops! Forget I said that.

Nate said...

I resent the implication that I have to be tracked!

This beautiful plastic box I wear around my ankle was an anniversary gift. I'm told inside it are the ashes of Steve Ditko and I should never open it.

It also has to be plugged in and charged every night. I'm not sure why. I just do what I'm told

jaz said...

Gyuss--you are going to be fine, just as long as you are not given an update that beeps and are told to meet someone in a secluded spot in the dead of night at exactly the time the counter on the update reaches zero.

heather said...

ahhh, anklets that beep. the latest celebrity 'must have accessory'.

and here i thought you were an original.

lit, j and i used to work in construction. if you ever need a hard hat (or 5) let me know. i think i still have ours.

LIT said...

Heather, thank you so much. However, the church wedding date has been changed to August. Surely we won't need the hard hats by then; it is also unlikely we will need the snow plow I'd checked about with Hertz. What a relief.