Friday, February 4, 2011


It's now Friday, and we haven't gone above freezing since my last post. A wintry mix onslaught was to begin during last night, but when I took Mack out a little after seven this morning the only evidence in my neighborhood was a few large sleet balls. I probably could have counted them had I been so inclined. I wasn't. When we returned inside I gave him his treat and promptly climbed back into bed for another couple of hours. Hibernation comes easily to me.

When I awoke again there was actually a shallow snow cover on the ground. Nothing was falling just then, but off and on throughout the morning we had freezing rain showers, fine sleet showers, and snow showers with varying sizes of flakes. The weather channel predicted that our high would be 34, so I kept expecting all of it to start melting. The reality was that the temp never went higher than 30, so almost all of it remains on the ground, and, of course, tonight we will be back in the mid-twenties. It's not pretty as there are still patches of green in various places in the yard; the golf course looks pretty good, but they mow regularly, and I don't in the off season.

Tomorrow's high has been reduced from 47 to 38. Doesn't sound too promising, does it? Let's hope they underestimated this time, especially since my social calendar includes a baby shower in the morning. Keep your fingers crossed! I only have to drive a couple of miles---and, of course, I have to be able to open the gate.

I was a little productive on indoor tasks, but not as much as I would like. Maybe ma~nana. We'll see. I did take this photo; hope you like it.


Rake said...

It's funny how I read this and think to myself, "30 degree weather sounds amazing right now, that's what we call being a lovely day outside". In the winter, that is. I haven't checked the weather in awhile, well ever since that snowstorm last week (which we got three days of school off, which resulted in a six day weekend for me since I have no Friday classes; and I was worried my flight would be cancelled. But I do not check the weather anymore, it makes me that less motivated to go outside when I know for a fact it's 8 degrees, like it is right now. No, I just say tell myself it's f-ing cold, and that's that.

LIT said...

I can understand your thinking re weather. I spend way too much time with the weather channel. Today we were supposed to have 1-3 inches of snow and a low tonight of 19. However, the snow stopped at the Tx state line, and we didn't get any. Just rain, and the streets and walks are mostly dry now, so we shouldn't have ice in the morning---YEA!

BUT, you have to put things in perspective. We are in the south, and the south isn't supposed to be dealing with lots of snow and ice. Thirties is plenty of cold for us; teens is unthinkable. You, on the other hand, live in the refrigerator. Therefore, you are getting what comes with that. I'm not sure how to finish this train of thought. So, I'll move on.

Did the big measuring cup arrive without damage? How's work? Anybody buying little wisps in weather such as you are having?

Love you.

Tazzonater said...

It's been the same with us LIT. Yesterday I got the day off because of the weather again.