Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Let's Wrap It Up!

Just like life, it's so much harder to catch up once you let things slide. But I said I would, and I will. So here it is in a nutshell.

While mowing the grass one day in May there were a couple of gusts of wind, and when I went to the back to mow there, what did I find? My beautiful red maple, age 3, had sheared right down the middle. Chillax came later and helped cut it up and remove it. It broke my heart to see the tree damaged, but I tended its wound and hoped for the best. Guess what? It continued to grow and even continued to provide shade.

June---Even more blah than May.

July--the Dagromms came for the 4th, actually arriving on the third. Dagromm, ever the dutiful son, asked what he could do to help me. I eagerly suggested mowing the lawn. He agreed to do it and did. I stood in the shade of the red maple to take this photo. His quick agreement was due in part to the fact that he and the children wanted to shoot fireworks in the yard on the 4th, and they did. It was a lot of fun. Then he and Mrs. Dagromm went home leaving their offspring with me for a week (the true mowing incentive). We had a few adventures.

No doubt, I have previously mentioned that I am currently the president of our local orchid society. Well, shortly after the children left, one of our board members and she was also the monthly raffle chairman, resigned from the board (via e-mail) and all responsibilities, and brought 74 raffle plants for me to tend. She said she would bring the rest later. I read and re-read the by-laws, and no where did it say this was the responsibility of the president.

On the 23rd we had a quick storm, and this time I heard the "pop" and discovered the red maple was a goner.

August---On the third of the month I drove to Jackson, Mississippi, to pick up Goo who came home for a week. The high points of that trip, aside from seeing her, were I got to see rain in quantity near the state line, and on the way home a dead alligator on the side of the road---the most memorable road kill of my experience. We had a fun week, went "estate sale-ing" with Jaz, watched some outstanding videos, and just relaxed. Taking her to the airport on the eleventh was a downer.

But a couple of days before she left the aforementioned orchid society member brought another 60+ plants to my house for me to tend. Thanks, ever so. Goo labeled her deranged. I contacted several other members of the society, and I managed to farm out most of the plants to foster homes and only wound up with about 30 to take care of myself. The majority of all of these were unloaded at our annual picnic/auction in Oct. In the meantime I conducted the raffle as well as the meetings for Aug., Sept., and Nov. She has now decided she is ready to resume her duties, and I was ready to return all the paraphernalia to her ASAP. (Why did I think working with pre-schoolers was getting too hard for me?)

September---I finally began sewing the display drapes for the orchid society.

October---You've already heard about my fantastic birthday. Jaz and I had another one of our outstanding yard sales. In the meantime I finished sewing the display drapes for the orchid society to use in its displays in various shows. Here they are in my living room.

The finished length is 7 feet. It was a massive sewing project; I did six panels. Each one is 5 feet wide. I learned to use the blind stitch selection on my mother's old Singer. Keep learning!---that's my motto. I still need to make some swags, but I'm in no rush on that chore. I also helped with two out of town shows by making all the plant labels for the shows, and going to Monroe to help take down a display.

During the last half of the month and the first part of Nov. I was sick and waited far too long to go see the doctor. When I finally did I wound up with a shot, a Rx for an antibiotic, and two kinds of decongestants. I will eventually get all this crud out of my system.

November---Well, obviously the big moment here was Thanksgiving. Chillax, Jaz, and Oyster were here. Jaz did the turkey, pie, and bread, and I did the other stuff. We ate very well and watched A Christmas Story, one of the funniest movies ever, after our meal. It was a really good day though Chill was feeling a little down (another upper respiratory story). He did, however, help me get down some of the Christmas decorations from the attic. I have really good sons, you know. (My daughters are o.k. too; they're just so far away.)

Anyway, are we caught up now? If I've left out anything you need to know about, tell me, and I'll do whatever I can to rectify the situation. The pets seem to be o.k.; they're just aging like this writer. And if you've read this far, please, post a comment. Sometimes this feels like speaking to the wind.


Chillax said...


heather said...

wow! what a rundown.
the crazy orchid lady should be told that in no way whatsoever, for any reason at all will you be taking in anymore than 10 foster plants in a single year. since you have already accepted 134 from her you are free and clear for the next 12 years. :)
(oh, and get that written into the bylaws!)

nice to see a picture of dags, even if it is just of his back. lol

still waiting to see the infamous bordello bath. ;)

jaz said...

heather--the bordello bath is located immediately behind the 7'tll drapes in the living room. Just like at a real bordello! Or so I understand from the descriptions my former clients gave.

jaz said...

Okay--I don't have my glasses on and a cat is helping me type. That would be, "7' tall," in the previous post!

Goo said...

Howdy! Yep, that pretty much sums it up. I've spent most of the weekend curled in a ball - although I did make it to church. The next week is shaping up to be a hellish nightmare. Whoopee. I'm going to bed now. Love!

heather said...

jaz, i have cats that help me type too so i totally got it. :)

which reminds me, i haven't seen my glasses at all today....
(what a horrible thing to lose, and how freakin ironic. you can't find what you're looking for cause you can't see and what you're looking for helps you see. it's like a never ending loop of frustration till you remember that you put them in the medicine cabinet. that is, until you remember that it was your ~mother's~ medicine cabinet that you put them in. lol)

oh and lit, a picture of 7 foot long curtains hanging in front of your bordello bathroom does ~not~ count as pictures of said bathroom.
just so you know. ;)

LIT said...

Get off my back about the bathroom! Who ever thought one of the most functionally important rooms would become the greatest topic of conversation when it is seen by so few? Or to put it another way---it's decor is hardly ever noted so long as the purpose is served.

I will show you the bathroom in due time though your request is somewhat questionable. Right now I'm trying to send Christmas cards, wrap gifts, get ready for family to visit, and get into the spirit of the holiday.

P.S. Once you see mine, I expect you to show me yours. Deal?

Chillax said...

"Once you see mine, I expect you to show me yours. Deal?" This is a phrase you never want to overhear your mother say.

heather said...

oh dear, we just took a trip to the sandbox didn't we?

poor chill, the therapy needed after that one...


plug said...

Chill stole my line. And answered first - the "good son"shows me up again.

Ah well. I appreciated the update. I think the next time you go out of town, you should drop your pets off at the orchid lady's house and tell her you need a sitter, 'K thanx bye.

Re: a black swag - can't you just buy one at Linen's 'n' Things? So much easier. Sorry -I have bought into the whole salad-in-a-bag lifestyle.

jaz said...

Linens and Things is closing shop here, so Lit would have to go elsewhere. If you had seen the long list of fabrics she perused before making her purchase, you would understand the perfection that just would not have been achieved in a ready-made.

As for the bathroom. I like it. I also wonder which of the gals on the wall are dating the chef in the kitchen decor.

LIT said...

Jaz, Dagromm's first comment after seeing my bathroom and kitchen decorating efforts was, "Gee, Mom, I didn't know you liked fat people so much."

It's funny; I don't think of them as fat people.

Goo said...

Speaking as the one who helped, nay encourged, your decorating choices, I think you should enjoy the attention. However, it's likely that I'm the only one who knows "new bath mat" was on your Christmas list, so I also understand why you're reluctant to show it off when it is anything less than perfection.

So, did the closeout at Linens'n'Things net you a new bath mat?

LIT said...

I haven't been to Linens 'n Things in over a year, so no is the answer to your question. The original one came from Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and after six years and several launderings its sides are raveling off. But, it is perfect there. Hard to believe it's been that long.

plug said...

Linens 'n' Things is closing up shop here too which is why I thought it would a good palce to go. But, ah ... the perfectionism. We do appreciate that quality. It's what you the clan of kids that we are.
I'm off to work now even though every school int he area is closed due to ice and fog. Nova Scotia has made me brave.

plug said...

That's supposed to say "that's what brought you the ..." Yeah, the perfectionism doesn't kick in till around 10am.