On Jan. 22 and 23 I was deeply involved with Trinity Institute. Part of their promotion was to serve vegetarian menus during the presentation, and we engaged a wonderful vegetarian restaurant to serve our breakfasts and lunches those two days. Part of the breakfast was a beautifully presented fruit tray using half a carved out pineapple with assorted fresh fruit (like those watermelon pictures in Better Homes & Gardens). Well, I have to tell you there is nothing I like better than fresh pineapple, and I loved the pieces of pineapple I managed to get during those breakfasts. It was just enough for me to start craving pineapple.

So. . . in mid-February when the grocery store had pineapple for $3.00 each, and they were perfect---one could smell them--- could I resist? Of course not. However, one person vs. one pineapple lasts a little over two weeks if one has one to two servings of pineapple daily. But, oh, it was so good. None wasted.

A week later when grocery shopping I noticed that asparagus was on sale for $1.98 / lb. It was young, fresh, tender, slender stalks. In other words---PERFECT! It is also my favorite of all vegetables. It was not on my shopping list, but did I hesitate to buy it? Not on your tintype! Apparently my bunch was just under a pound as it only cost $1.88, but it saw me through ten days of daily asparagus.
No complaints so far, but let's get to STUPID BUYING which leads to EMERGENCY COOKING!
I went to Sam's Club last week to buy Glucosamine Chondroitin for me and Polly (my 14 yr. old dog) and coffee. Then I made the mistake of wandering through the market section. Well, it really wasn't a mistake. I wanted to taste the free samples, but they didn't have anything to do with what followed. My wandering eyes picked up on the 3 lb. bag of bananas for less than $1.50 and the 5 lb. bag of pears for less than $5.00. What bargains, I thought, because I usually buy only 1-2 bananas and 1-2 pears per week, and at much higher rates. So, I bought a bag of each.
Dear Friends, it would take a stop watch to determine how quickly the brown specks begin to develop on those two fruits. Within two days I was on the internet trying to find out what to do with pears particularly that didn't involve buying jars, lids, and boiling water baths. EMERGENCY COOKING to salvage my great savings on fruit. Consequently, I now have a LARGE banana nut bread in the freezer, the remains of a banana pudding in my fridge (I took some to Chillax), two jars of Vanilla Pear Butter in the fridge, and two upcoming events when I am expected to furnish some refreshment (Thank, God!). Oh, yeah, and still one banana and a couple of pears. I'm eating as fast as I can.

When I say Life Is a Test I really mean that. Hopefully, we've both learned something here. Let me know.