Sunday, March 1, 2009



In this part of the country we thumb our noses at those silly groundhogs which are supposed to be the indicators of when spring will come. These pictures were taken on Feb. 27, and I've just been busy and unable to let you know that spring and hope are on the way.

These Bradford Pears are along side the Wendy's fast food about a mile from my house. There is another row of them in front, but they are just beginning to bloom. Most fast foods are not so beautifully landscaped, so I think this one is outstanding. Part of the reason I moved here is that I think it is a beautiful city. Even the most modest homes have something pretty growing in their yards which has a bloom of glory at some time in the year.

One block east of my house two Chinese magnolias have been in bloom for a couple of weeks. I should have taken the picture a few days sooner, but . . . the wind has been fierce, and it does its damage. It's still hanging in there though.

Just over a block in the other direction this Red Bud tree has bloomed, and it looks so gorgeous. And look at my backdoor neighbor's flower boxes with the forsythia. Not too shabby, huh? (BTW forsythia is part of the olive family and originated in China and Japan. I learned that when I looked up the spelling in the dictionary.)

I'll bet you're wondering how my yard is faring. Maybe not. Well, you're going to find out anyway. First, I've made more progress since this picture was taken, but I haven't finished. Every year the dead lantana branches have to be cut back, and I'm working on it. It could have been done in a day or two, but the trash bin will hold just so much, and one has to leave room for the usual household trash, right? Anyway this is ongoing.

Also last week I mowed the lawn for the first time in a few (too few!) months. However, it looks as if I will have a bumper crop this year. Are these the healthiest dandelions you've ever seen?

Well, there is one bright spot in my yard right now . . . sort of. About five years ago I planted about 50 Dutch iris bulbs in my front flower bed. (This was the bed from which the lantana was removed and transplanted to the side yard, and the #%^&@**& lantana keeps reappearing.) The first year the iris bloomed individually all across the front, and the next year ---eh, pretty much the same. With iris bulbs the story is that they should keep multiplying. HA! This year I had one significant clump on one side of the front walk, and one slightly smaller clump on the other side of the walk.



jaz said...

I just discovered this post! What wonderful pictures. Maybe next year you will have tulips to encourage the iris.

LIT said...

Hey Jaz,
Glad you appreciated the pictures. It's rewarding when someone responds although I do know that a couple of friends who look at my "stuff" just really aren't savvy enough to respond in the comment section. But I think my reaction when I see "0 Comments" is nobody remembers to look or cares. I appreciate your support.

plug said...

I came. I saw. I admired the foliage. I wish there was something growing in my front yard worth photographing, but there isn't. Maybe I can grab a shot of the guy that orams the neighborhood and roots in glove compartments for change while everyone is asleep. That picture might be good.
Lovely blooms. Thanks for the color.

plug said...

OK, That's ROAMS the 'hood.

LIT said...

Hey, Plug, get your husband to rig up some clever invention to set off a flash bulb when the oramer , or roamer, invades your car. Better yet, lock the doors when you exit the vehicle. I do that even though the gate on my driveway is locked. We have oramers too, and I have become the extra cautious old lady.

Coming soon to this very blog---new horticultural adventures! If things go well it will become a series. Can you hardly wait?