Tuesday, July 27, 2010

TODAY . . .

Remember my last post? Well, today was ditto only more lightening, louder thunder, and more rain.

All those streaks that look like Spanish Moss are the sheets of rain that were coming down. Couldn't step outside the front door because the rain was coming at me.

When I first saw this man coming down toward my house he was in the street, but I guess it got to be too much, and he was obviously going to be knocked over by the wake of cars, vans, trucks. When he finally reached my photographing point he had adapted his route to his advantage. I keep wondering what was so important that he took on this travel in the midst of the storm---maybe his job. Makes one wonder. . . .

The pluses were I didn't have to water the outside orchids and the temp dropped to 80. So, I guess it was a good day.


Goo said...

We had a storm like that on Sunday. I was on my way home when it hit so I got drenched. The stiff winds were a bit cooling, but the waters rushing on the ground were as warm as bath water. The storm knocked out power for a lot of people and it still hasn't been completely restored. Luckily, I've had power both at work and at home, but the storm clouds are looming again.

Tazzonater said...

It hasn't rain yet but, I think it's about to.

LIT said...

Yeah, Goo, I heard about your storms on TV. Glad you weren't one of those without power. That is such a drag.

Taz, we had a 60% chance of rain, and if you count a few sprinkles we got some of it. Not enough to open an umbrella.

Tazzonater said...

Well we did get rain pretty good but it passed over in about ten minutes

jaz said...

Maybe the guy on the bike doesn't pay attention to the forecast and was caught out in the rain while en route. Or maybe he just doesn't have the sense to come in out of the rain.