Monday, September 27, 2010


Perhaps the biggest news is that the heat has finally broken. It was a little cooler yesterday, Sunday, but today was definitely different. The high temp stayed just under 80 degrees, and believe me one notices the difference from mid-nineties. It was a wonderful day---so much so that I actually did the initial clean out of the greenhouse so that as the temperature drops I can move plants back in there for the alleged winter we are anticipating. Being a little pessimistic I am thinking that we will have a really bitter winter. Oh, well, we take it as it plays.

I forgot to mention that Dagromm and the person formerly known as Q were here the last weekend in Aug. to have a sleep spot in order to go to the races and to the Fantasy Football draft. This is mentionable because they gave me so many compliments on the cleanliness of my fridge and freezer. How often does that happen? It was very uncluttered and bright, and it still is. I had cleaned it out about a week before they came, and I'm still maintaining it. Don't ask what led me to cleaning the fridge. Truly! If only the rest of the house looked as good.

Just finished a wonderful book. It's one I bought a year ago at the Centenary Book sale (see previous post), but have just gotten to it. It is from the early '90's and has won many awards, but I am,obviously, out of the literary loop.

The author, Justein Gaarder, was a Norwegian secondary school teacher, who taught philosophy. (Is philosophy even included in the curriculum of high schools in this country?) He is still Norwegian but no longer teaches according to what I've read online. Such a pity. How I would have loved to have him as a teacher or have him teach my children. The novel is very inventive and imaginative, and I couldn't put it down voluntarily. And it crams in the history of philosophy in such a way that one doesn't want to miss one phrase. Probably the best 50 cents I've ever spent. The book is a little sci-fi, a little whimsical, a lot historical, and absolutely fantastic. It's a book I can't let go of, so I say it's "a keeper."

P.S. That rabbit on the cover of the book reminds me of PhannyCat.

1 comment:

Tazzonater said...

Good Job!! I bet my dad is proud of you, you found a good cheap book! Thumbs up!!! :P