Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Though I love seeing what my family of bloggers writes there is no one who give me more pleasure than Helen. She is so spot on with all the things I'd like to say but am too timid to do so (Can you believe that?). Her latest is a masterpiece.

If this doesn't link, then copy and paste the web address in your browser, and settle in for a good read. Oh yeah, those under 14 should not do this activity. Helen's language is a little rough, and I'm sure she doesn't write anything you haven't heard, but as a grandmother I don't want to lead you there. On your honor now---and mine.


Tazzonater said...

speaking of 14 L's b-day is tomorrow he's turning 15

LIT said...

THANK YOU, TAZ! For some reason I was thinking his birthday would be Sunday and marked that on my calendar. You are a life saver!

Love you.

LIT said...
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