Thursday, January 14, 2010


I just flipped over to the weather channel and on came a commercial for EZ Cracker. For only $20 (two easy payments of $10.00 each) you can get the ultimate egg cracking device. Included in this offer is an egg separator which you will see in the picture, and a device for "scrambling" an egg inside the shell. Unfortunately, the picture shows a fried, not scrambled, egg. All of this fine product is made of plastic. Believe me, I was slack jawed by this one. Then I started laughing and could hardly stop. If you don't think there's a problem with education in this country then here's your proof.

If anyone out there is paying twenty bucks for this product plus almost $7 for shipping and handling can we use this evidence to withdraw this person's voting privileges and deprive him/her of a driver's license? Furthermore, he/she should not be allowed to be a sperm/egg donor. I ask you.



Goo said...


This has Mothers' Day gift written all over it!

I like that you're willing to suspend the priviledge of procreation from people who purchase this product, and you've left me mildly repulsed. Egg scrambler, sperm donor...ick.

Rake said...

Haha, that would be cruel.

And: That's disgusting.

LOVE. <3

jaz said...

Oyster is confused as to why this is so funny. She's still working on learning how to crack an egg without leaving a few bits of shell behind.

Wonder when this device will be available at Target?

LIT said...

Goo, my sense of your sense is that it will not allow you to spend that kind of money on a stupid joke. That thought gives me comfort. Please, note that I did not "suspend the privilege of procreation from people who purchase this product," merely suggested that they not be allowed to donate to banks for unsuspecting users of such facilities. Perhaps the questionnaire that donors are asked to fill out should ask specifically: Have you ever ordered/purchased an EZ Cracker? If the answer is yes, then that donor's information should have a red * beside that response.

Rake, what's disgusting? The product, Goo's mixing of the suggestions, or what I wrote to begin with?

Jaz, Oyster is learning this skill at just the right age and she will get past those shell bits as you know. If Target takes on this product I will better understand why I finally was able to purchase something with the gift certificate for that store I received for Mother's Day, 2007, ( pants hangers for the closet). Obviously, Target doesn't do much for me.

LIT said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
plug said...

I laughed at this commercial too! I made the DH come in from the kitchen and watch it with me. I had fantasized about a Christmas where everyone on my list would receive something I ordered off of TV. But that will have to wait until I can afford that kind of money on stupid crap AND real stuff. In the meantime: practice. that's how you crack eggs. (I don't want to figure out how to clean the darn thing either.)

Tazzonater said...

You know I always needed to get ripped off by a egg macine.

LIT said...

Taz, take Plug's advice and mine, just keep practicing. Getting ripped off is never a pleasant learning experience.

jaz said...

Taz, speak to your parents about setting your sights a bit higher. At least when you get ripped off, you should derive some satisfaction from the experience. Maybe go for the much too expensive manicure/pedicure/facialmassage spa, instead.

Tazzonater said...

I think my mom might have already done that.:)

Tazzonater said...

I don't get why this is funny either. PLEASE explain!

jaz said...

Tazz--this is funny on several levels--and it is only hilarious when you add them all together.

1--$20 plus $7 shipping is a lot of money for what they are providing

2--An egg is pretty easy to crack, and it only takes a little practice to do so without getting shells in your food, so you really don't want to shell out almost $30 to do something you can already do

3--Buy this and you get to make an easy task harder, then have a contraption to clean in addition to what you already need to wash, anyway.

4--As Lit pointed out, it claims to scramble an egg, but it shows an unscrambled egg. Does this mean it does a very poor job of scrambling? Not something you would want to advertise as a big selling point.

5--In the grand scheme of mail-order purchases, $20 is pretty cheap, but they are volunteering to let the buyer make two easy $10 payments.

6--the Crack-o-Matic product looks vaguely like an instrument used in the doctor's office, which is not something most folk want to think about when cooking eggs

7--the EZ scrambler looks a bit like an electric nose hair trimmer, also not the most appetizing thought

Was that any help?

LIT said...

Thank you, Jaz. For the past two nights I've been trying to muster the energy to answer Taz's question, a very legitimate question for someone her age, but I just hadn't gotten to that level.

Taz. look at these from Jaz's answer:

#2 is very relevant. Do you want to be able to write your own name or do you want to carry around a rubber stamp and an ink pad to use any time you have to sign your name to something? If you choose stamp and ink pad, you have to clean them and carry them so that you don't soil your clothes or the contents of your purse. Big problem.

#4 concerning the wrong picture for the ad. If the people who advertise and/or produce this product can't tell the difference between a fried and scrambled egg, how can you trust the product to do what they say it will? Not much.

#5--This product is aimed at people who have very little to spend. They are figuring that anyone who orders this product can't really afford to do so and is not smart enough to figure out that they, too, can learn to crack an egg. That is taking advantage of people who are less fortunate than you. And that's not funny.

Maybe none of it is funny; maybe it's just sad to think people in our country are trying to rip off others in such a blatant way.

Tazzonater said...

It's not really sad because those people who don't know how to crack an egg need to get off there lazy butts and learn how to! I still don't think it's funny to me it's just the company buisness.
1st step: Make up something dumb that most people already know how to do.
2nd step: Advertise for the 'product' on TV
3rd step: Make a lame curmurcial
4th step: People pay for it
5th step: They get ripped off and the thing breaks
6th step: They learn how to do the thing they didn't know how to do.

LIT said...

Taz, I think you've covered it.

Tazzonater said...


plug said...

Ahem. I recently bought a rubber stamp of my signature/credentials because I do, in fact, have to sing my name NUMEROUS times a day and it aggravates my tendonitis. I also, have to carry it around in a locked bag (like you would use for money) and wear/keep the key in a place where no one else can use it. But you know what I can still do without the aid of contraption? Crack an egg.

plug said...

You know what I CAN"T do without some type of aid? Spell correctly.

I don't actually sing my name each day (usually just on the weekends) but I do have to sign my name a lot.

jaz said...

Plug, we all sing your name--and not because we have to!

LIT said...

There is also a song about you in the movie Rear Window, one that I can't ever leave because it is so captivating---the movie, that is. So, apparently, someone is singing your name. No wonder you have to lock it up.

Tazzonater said...

Sorry! I don't really think most people can do that plug. If you read my blof then you will find that out quickly.