Saturday, February 6, 2010


It's four p.m., and as you can see the street light has already come on. It may have been on all day; I haven't noticed. It was on when I left at 6:45 this morning to go do my testing job at the nearby college. When I came home at 12:45 my goal was to eat and take a nap, not check the street lights. Did that! But now that I'm just waiting for Prairie Home Companion to come on the radio I wanted something cheery to get me in the mood. So here I am blogging, but not really inspired.

Of course, that's the time to visit MargaretandHelen

What they have to say may not be the best news, but it's said in the best way.

Check it out.


EsLocura said...

I did house work, laundry and grocery shopping, how's that for Blah!

LIT said...

All good and necessary blah.

Great to see you back in this cyber world. You've been missed. I left words (not of wisdom) on your comment page. You go, Girl!

Rake said...

I've been way too busy, I wish I could do all the good and necessary blah, it would calm me down. :(

Tazzonater said...

Okay am I suppose to say BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, or just plain blah. I probally need to visit the web page to understand what all this blahing is about.
LIT taking a nap sounds REALLY great right now but I can't because I'm blogging. :)
Oh I think I know what this blahing means it means to calm down right?!

plug said...

I think this is called "blahging." The sun was out today - yea!! I need to buy dish soap, cat food, driveway salt. Blah.

LIT said...

Taz, a blah day is a really dull day, and sometimes the weather contributes to that by being grey and not inspiring. That's what I meant. Some people think doing ordinary jobs like house cleaning or grocery shopping are blah experiences. Just depends on how you look at it: if you've been doing too many things to clean house or shop, then getting those things done is a really good thing, and you feel great that you did it...finally.

Other times "blah, blah, blah" means somebody just keeps talking, talking, talking without saying anything worth hearing. (I prefer "yata-yata-yata".) But if it's dull, dull, dull you mean, blah is very descriptive.

Bear in mind this is slang and not something you want to use in a school essay. It might be all right for a story though.

Tazzonater said...

I REALLY don't like slang at all.
When I said blah blah blah I meant it as a really terrible joke.

Sometimes it seems like I have TOO MANY Blah days. Ya no?

LIT said...

I do, indeed! Blah days are something everybody has to deal with, and we learn to make something better of them, or we waste the time we have. I'd have to say it's about 50-50 in my case.

jaz said...

Activities appropriate for blah days include:
*staring into your closet and deciding you don't have anything you want to wear
*staring into your refrigerator and deciding you don't have anything you want to eat
*staring into space and deciding you don't have anywhere you want to go
*staring at the TV and deciding there is nothing you want to watch
*Taking a nap

plug said...

I'll add "staring at your blog and deciding you don't really have anything to say." I guess that was the original point, huh?

LIT said...

Yeah, Plug, that's just about it. That's why I recommended margaretandhelen; however, I have to be grateful for the impulse to open the blog page. We have to be thankful for small blessings and recognize them when they come. Maybe I'll have better luck next time.

Tazzonater said...

You forgoot one:
Staring in to space when somebody is talking to you and thinking "Wow they talk to much"

plug said...

That happens way too frequently I'm afraid.

LIT said...

Yeah, Plug and Jaz, and the alleged listener gets caught when the speaker says, "Remember, I told you . . .yata-yata-yata", and, of course, you don't.

Did anybody read margaretandhelen? Or am I just "ya-ta, ya-ta, ya-taing?"

jaz said...

Plug--I'm not sure. Were we just dissed?

Tazzonater said...

You might have been, of course I might be yata yataing. :)

LIT said...

No one was dissed---not from here anyway. I confused Taz and Jaz one more time. Could one of you change your screen name to Wilhemina or Gertrude or something easily distinguishable from the other? I know your avatars are different, but my fingers just tap out Jaz or Taz without discrimination.

Taz (I know I got it right this time), yata all you want. I love it when you yata.

Tazzonater said...

thanks. I love it when people yata complaments to me. I love yataing don't you.<3
Espshally if there is alot to yata about. :)

Tazzonater said...

Look at that I was yataing about yataing! :)

jaz said...

And that, dear reader, is how new words end up in the dictionary. Look for, "yataing," to show up in Websters sometime in the next decade.

Tazzonater said...


jaz said...

Sorry to make you frown, Taz. But that is, indeed, how new words are made. You might be the originator of a term that everyone will be using before too long. Kind of like rad and dis, two words that were not in use when I was your age.

Tazzonater said...

Sericly? I have lived with people saying diss and rad all in my life.

jaz said...


Tazzonater said...

I knew i spelled serioucly wrong. Darn it!