Friday, June 5, 2009


Because of a need for mailing supplies I dropped in on the local son at work to finagle bubble wrap from him. Achieving that goal I came home to work on the package. The phone rang, and it was my Texas son calling to give me good news. Following that conversation I called the local son to pass along the good news. We celebrated via Ma Bell.

Then I called the D.C. daughter to send the good news even farther. More celebration. Then, guess what! The Illinois daughter called me (really to get D.C. daughter's phone number; I am Information, please), and I got to tell her the good news too.

I got to talk to all four of my children (adults though they are) on the same day. What a great day!


heather said...

and it wasn't even a holiday or the kids telling you that they want their share of your bingo winnings! ;)

LIT said...


jaz said...

Congrats to Dags via his mom on his good news!

And congrats to Lit for having the good sense to make these kids of hers!

Goo said...

I don't know that Lit was excerising her "good sense" when she made us kids, Jaz, but she excercised it plenty in raising us.

jaz said...

And it shows!