Sunday, January 9, 2011


Goo's greeting in the baggage claim area of Union Station after hugs and kisses was, "You are not going home with those suitcases!" There was a reason for the old, cumbersome clunkers though. Amtrak had said no soft side luggage could be checked, and that's what mine was. So I'd bought these two hard side suitcases (estate sales, where else) super cheap because I needed something big enough to hold gifts, several books to pass on to Goo, a video, a DVD 3-pack, stocking stuffers, not to mention winter clothes, shoes, etc., etc. In other words, I had my reasons, and the suitcases cost less than postage for the gifts and books would have been. But I digress.

We took the Metro from Amtrak to her neighborhood where we caught the shuttle to her apt. bldg. The shuttle driver helped us with the "unwieldies." As soon as we arrived she began to prepare to go "work" the 6 p.m. service. While she was gone I unpacked, showered/shampooed, got my make-up on, did my hair and wriggled into my smashing dress. I called a taxi about 7:30 and headed to the cathedral to meet Goo.

Those working both services were having a buffet supper on the 7th floor, and I was invited to join them. She introduced me to maybe 15 people, some of whom I'd heard about. They started off to their assignments about 8:30, and I wandered about trying not to look suspicious to the security guards. I felt a little guilty looking at the long line of people waiting to get in as the doors were locked, and it was cold and windy. Someone who knew that there was a chair with my name on it down front suggested I go on in so as not the be trampled when the doors were opened. I did.

Goo said they estimated that attendance at that service (10:00 p.m.) was about 2800. It was a nice service, but it seemed a little non-denominational to me. I guess if you're the national cathedral you try to be as ecumenical as possible. When the service ended we proceeded to her office. I knew we'd gone to a lower level, but I didn't realize until later that we'd actually gone through a tunnel and were in a different building. We then walked outside to the coldest, windiest corner in D.C. to await a taxi back to her apt. I thought by being there I would get to bed earlier than when we talked long distance on the phone after that late service, but no. It was 2:00 a.m. when we turned out the light.

Goo toddled off to work the noonday Christmas service and arrived back a little after two. She said she was the envy of everyone in her new Christmas hat, one of her gifts from me. How do you like it? It was made in India and has a Neiman-Marcus label.

We then tackled the work of getting her entertainment center fully connected. The TV was already hooked up, but we added the DVD player and VCR. I had brought A Christmas Story, sort of a Christmas tradition in our family, but we discovered that the VCR was no longer in service as it began to spew the tape. So, we settled on the premier episode of The #1 Ladies Detective Agency and ordered Chinese food from Mei-Wah which delivers. Yumola!

By the time we finally opened our gifts it was dark, and we were quite full. I think that was the only meal we ate that day, but we had plenty left over for another meal a few days later. The gifts were fun and surprising, and we had plenty of conversation to keep us going until we finally made it back to bed---with no plans to get either of us up early the next day!

Stay tuned.

P.S. Goo bought a pre-lit artificial tree for this Christmas (I feel a small moral victory on this one because I figure that cut trees are a waste of trees and money.) Anyway, she didn't realize until she plugged it in that it also revolves. I thought that a good thing because I could sit on the couch and just catch ornaments as they passed when we were taking it down.

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